Project Activities


The main objective is to manage and coordinate the project's technical, financial and administrative aspects. Concretely the goals are to:

  • Coordinate the project Work Package Leaders
  • Managing the legal aspects
  • Managing overall financial activities
  • Managing reporting and quality process
  • Managing Intellectual Property Rights and legal issues.
  • Ensuring the information exchanges among the partners

Manage the project in a result-oriented manner to ensure the fulfilment of the whole project objectives within budget and scheduled timescales.

Coordination: Comprehensive coordination with the intention of achieving the day to day operation and the implementation of the goals defined in the Project Plan.

Management of legal aspects: Identification of legal issues and establishing a common framework for collaboration with partners, independent subcontractors and suppliers.

Management of financial aspects: Management of activities related with the administration and financing of project tasks. A financial monitoring of actual vs. planned effort, and actual vs. planned expenditures will be internally maintained.

Management of quality aspects: Different quality procedures will be implemented to guarantee the scope of the objectives in each WP, task, deliverables and milestones. Information Exchange. Process of transferring and disseminating project results to wider distribution among more people and places.